Tuesday, March 17, 2020

What a difference a year makes!☘️

A year ago today I was in Dublin watching the St. Patrick's Day parade and enjoying Irish coffee and Guinness with friends and  a huge crowd of strangers.  This year I am in house quarantine and leaving the house only to get daily doses of radiation. Who woulda thunk it?

Life has been turned upside down for everyone by the Corona Virus. No St Patrick Day parades ANYWHERE, people worried about scoring enough hand sanitizer and toilet paper (not sure why that one became such a critical issue) to see them through the foreseeable future.  Restaurants, bars, bowling alleys, movie theaters, schools, coffee shops...all closed with patrons and staff alike worried about their futures. Families are separated, vacations cancelled, hospitals bracing for the worst. It is truly a surreal environment. 

Yet, in the midst of it all, Spring is still arriving.  The unmistakable sights of green shoots pushing through the ground, vee formations of geese heading north and robins foraging for worms on softened lawns verify that.  Nature moves on, following patterns established long before humans arrived to complicate things.  That gives me hope for our earth, despite the dire predictions for its future.

I have completed seven doses of radiation, with nine more to go.  So far the process has been relatively easy.  I arrive a few minutes early, change into those most fashionable of gowns and robes and await the summons into the radiation room.  I have added my own personal good luck charm to the wardrobe, a special pair of slipper socks: 

These have earned me the nickname "Wonder Woman" from the staff, who think they are magic.  This has been a tough time for them since they have to be exceptionally vigilant and cautious, working with such a high risk population. They have implemented some additional precautions including requiring patients to use EVERY hand sanitizing station between the front door and the radiation room, five in total.  Anyone with a cough is issued a mask and someone with a fever or severe shortness of breath is requested to cancel.  Today I saw a man sent home with breathing issues.  He drives over an hour each day for his treatment and has months of treatments ahead of him. There are many patients like that in the 30+ people that each of the two radiation rooms handle each day.  I feel very fortunate to be as healthy as I am and to only have a twenty minute drive for this short episode in my life. As many of you have assured me, "I've got this!"

With so many of us hunkered down for the duration and not used to keeping ourselves busy, it's a good idea to think creatively.  Thanks to a facebook post from my friend Moira, I  found this listing from an Australian company.  I thought it was a brilliant list.  But, then I again, I am easily amused.  Take a look:

You can go to the website listed at the bottom and request a PDF version with hotlinks.  Not every idea appeals to everyone, of course (I leave anything to do with the kitchen to Mr. B, my master chef!) but there are some ideas that I would not have thought of.  There is no reason to mope around the house, lamenting the current situation and this list proves it.

My sister Betsy, a nurse and a mom, also offers some great advice. (Yeah, she's the one we "tortured" as a child but she turned out fantastic despite that experience!)  She says, "This social distancing and self quarantine does not mean you can’t go outside. You all need to go out and experience nature - a walk, hike, stroll, boat trip - anything to get you outside. You can’t stay inside watching the news all day. Mother nature has alot to teach us. Turn off the TV, go outside. Wipe the doorknob as you leave." 

Also, don't forget about your neighbors.  Check in on anyone alone (via email, phone, note on their door or hand signals through the windows).  This is a great time to learn FaceTime or VideoCalling to stay in touch.  Let's take care of each other!

SO, Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!  Grab your favorite beverage, lift it high and say SLAINTE!  It means "Health" in Gaelic and will ward off all the Corona Virus nasties...guaranteed!!   

Oh...and don't forget to WASH YOUR HANDS!!!

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