My knitting muse seems to have taken a powder. I can't seem to stay out of the frog pond to save my life. What's up with this? After the debacle with my Purple Green Gable sweater, I decided to rest my bruised ego by moving back to a pair of socks I had started. The first sock was done and most of the ribbing on the second was complete. This was just what the shrink would have ordered, a no-brainer project to keep me feeling productive.
Last night I am knitting merrily along with my wonderful knitting group when I suddenly see it... a dropped stitch back in one of the first ten rows. Oh, MAN! I was SO not happy to see that little loop poking its ugly little top out of my otherwise beautiful knitting. The only things preventing me from strangling myself with the yarn at that point were: 1) Sock yarn probably isn't sturdy enough to do the trick and 2) it would have left my group with the unpleasant job of disposing of the body. So I just sat there and ripped it out.
OK, maybe a Brand NEW not-yet-started project could jump start my stalled sense of accomplishment. So I whip out the new fixation yarn I bought in April
and cast on for the Cascade Fixation Ankle Sock KAL. This should bring me in off the window ledge. It's an easy pattern, one I've made before. Four froggings later I am seriously contemplating putting my entire stash up for sale on eBay and taking up bee-keeping or hang-gliding. This is f**king ridiculous!
Has this ever happened to anyone else? I'd love to hear some other people's stories of a chain of knitting disasters. And, most importantly how did you snap the streak before poking out your eyes (or someone else's) with a pair of size 2 dpn's? Time's up for this bad trip. I'm ready to start feeling good about my knitting again.
Dear Mary Ann,
It is a lack of my company that has changed your mojo - I think you need to come to North Conway and knit a while. All those beautiful mountains and I will let you drive me around town and be my seeing eye dog when we shop.
Thank you so much!
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